.. _version: ========================================================== Switching from version 1 (PyPopStar) to version 2 (SPISEA) ========================================================== Version 1 of this software package was called PyPopStar. Due to a naming conflict, we have renamed the package of SPISEA for version 2 and beyond. For reference, v2.0.0 has the same functionality as v1.0.1. If you already downloaded v1.0.0 or v1.0.1, the steps required to upgrade to v2.0.0 are described below. Step 1: Get Updated Package from Github --------------------------------------- To get the updated package from Github, you need to pull down the updated code respository. In your PyPopStar directory, run the following command from the terminal:: git pull The correct branch to be on is "main". You can check which branch you are on by running ``git status`` in the terminal. If necessary, you can change to the main branch by:: git checkout main Step 2: Make Sure PYTHONPATH Points to Top-Level Directory ---------------------------------------------------------- Make sure your PYTHONPATH points to the top-level SPISEA directory. This is the directory that contains the ``spisea`` sub-directory with all of the code files (e.g. ``synthetic.py``, ``evolution.py``, etc). Note that the top-level directory might still be named "PyPopStar", as a left-over when you cloned version 1 of the repository. You can manually change this to "SPISEA", but make sure that change gets reflected in your PYTHONPATH. Step 3: Change Environment Variable Name ------------------------------------------ Update the name of the environment variable ``POPSTAR_MODELS`` to the new name ``SPISEA_MODELS``. If you are using bash, this line in your .bash_profile would be:: export SPISEA_MODELS=/ Step 4: Test the Package to Make Sure It Is Working --------------------------------------------------- To make sure everything is working, go through the instructions on :ref:`test-setup`. Step 5: Change Import Statements in Subsequent Code --------------------------------------------------- In all code that calls SPISEA functions (e.g. synthetic.py), you will need to change the import statements from:: from popstar import synthetic to:: from spisea import synthetic