.. _imf_objects: ========== IMF Object ========== Initial Mass Functions (IMFs) are defined as classes in ``spisea/imf/imf.py``. These can be defined by:: from spisea.imf import imf imf_obj = imf. Currently, the IMF is implemented as a power-law: dn / dm ~ m^-alpha. The Broken Power-Law IMF object gives users the flexibility to define the mass range and exponents of the IMF. The IMF object is an input for the :ref:`cluster_objects`, and will be used to draw the inital stellar mass distribution for the cluster. A :ref:`multi_obj` may be passed to the IMF object to form multiple star systems. Base IMF Class -------------- .. autoclass:: imf.imf.IMF :members: generate_cluster, calc_multi Broken Power-Law IMFs --------------------- .. autoclass:: imf.imf.IMF_broken_powerlaw :show-inheritance: .. autoclass:: imf.imf.IMFSalpeter1955 :show-inheritance: .. autoclass:: imf.imf.Miller_Scalo_1979 :show-inheritance: .. autoclass:: imf.imf.Kennicutt_1983 :show-inheritance: .. autoclass:: imf.imf.Kroupa_2001 :show-inheritance: .. autoclass:: imf.imf.Weidner_Kroupa_2004 :show-inheritance: