.. _filters: ======================== Photometric Filters ======================== The user can specify what filters are used for synthetic photometry when defining the :ref:`isochrone_objects`. Each filter is identified by a unique string, and an array of such strings are passed into the Isochrone call. For example:: # Use the HST WFC3-IR F127M and F153M filters, along with NIRC2 Kp filt_list = ['wfc3,ir,f127m', 'wfc3,ir,f153m', 'nirc2,Kp'] my_iso = synthetic.IsochronePhot(logAge, AKs, dist, metallicity=0, evo_model=evo_model, atm_func=atm_func, red_law=red_law, filters=filt_list) These strings follow the format ``,``. Note that there is no space after the comma, and case matters. Filter transmissions are stored in specific sub-directories in ``SPISEA/filt_func``. The functions in ``spisea/filters.py`` tell the :ref:`isochrone_objects` how to interpret the filter strings and pull the corresponding transmission functions from the filt_func directories. Available filters: * 2MASS * CTIO_OSIRIS * DeCam * GAIA * HAWK-I * Hubble Space Telescope * Johnson-Cousins * Johnson-Glass * JWST * Keck NIRC * Keck NIRC2 * NACO * PanStarrs 1 * Roman Space Telescope * UKIRT * VISTA * ZTF Filter Sets ------------ **2MASS** `Two-Micron Sky Survey `_ Filters: J, H, Ks Example: ``'2mass,H'`` **CTIO_OSIRIS** `OSIRIS imager `_ on the CTIO telescope. Filters: H, K Example: ``'ctio_osiris,H'`` **DeCam** `Dark Energy Camera `_ Filters: u, g, r, i, z, Y Example: ``'decam,r'`` **GAIA** The `GAIA Space Telescope filters `_. Note that three sets are available: the pre-launch passbands used in DR1 (`Jordi+10 `_), the passbands used for the DR2 published photometry, and the *revised* DR2 passbands based on the DR2 data (October 2017). ONLY THE REVISED DR2 PASSBANDS ARE SUPPORTED BY SPISEA. Filters: G, Gbp, Grp Example (gaia G filter from revised DR2 passbands): ``'gaia,dr2_rev,G'`` **HAWK-I** The `High Acuity Wide Field K-band Imager `_ located on the ESO VLT (Unit Telescope 4). Filters: J, H, Ks Example: ``'hawki,J'`` **Hubble Space Telescope** HST filters are defined by their `pysynphot OBSMODE strings `_. These are defined in the ``cdbs/mtab/`` and ``cdbs/comp/`` directories. Example: ``'wfc3,ir,f125w'`` **Johnson-Cousins** Johnson-Cousin filters (downloaded from http://www.aip.de/en/research/facilities/stella/instruments/data/johnson-ubvri-filter-curves). Filters: U, B, V, R, I Example: ``'ubv,B'`` **Johnson-Glass** Johnson-Glass passbands taken from `Bessell et al. 1988 `_ Filters: J, H, K Example: ``'jg,K'`` **JWST** JWST NIRCam filters, downloaded from `NIRCam website `_. The filter functions in the nircam_throughputs/modAB_mean/nrc_plus_ote folder is used. Filters: F070W, F090W, F115W, F140M, F150W, F150W2, F162M, F164N, F182M, F187N, F200W, F210M, F212N, F250M, F277W, F300M, F322W2, F323N, F335M, F356W, F360M, F405N, F410M, F430M, F444W, F460M, F466N, F470N, F480M Example: ``'jwst,F356W'`` **Keck NIRC** `NIRC1 filters `_ on the Keck Telescope Filters: H, K Example: ``'nirc1,H'`` **Keck NIRC2** `NIRC2 filters `_ on the Keck Telescope () Filters: J, H, Hcont, K, Kp, Ks, Kcont, Lp, Ms, Brgamma, FeII Example: ``'nirc2,Ks'`` **NACO** `ESO NACO filters `_ Filters: J, H, Ks Example: ``'naco,H'`` **PanStarrs1** PanStarrs 1 filters from `Tonry et al. 2012 `_ Filters: g, r, i, z, y Example: ``'ps1, g'`` **Roman Space Telescope** Roman Space Telescope WFI filters are defined by their `pysynphot OBSMODE strings `_. These are defined in the ``cdbs/mtab/`` and ``cdbs/comp/`` directories. Note that the 2021-07-16 version of these directories must be downloaded from from the `STScI reference atlases `_ for these to work. See :ref:`getting_started` for how to download these files. Filters: F062, F087, F106, F129, F158, W146, F184, F213 Example: ``'roman,wfi,f062'`` **UKIRT** `UKIRT Telescope filters `_ Filters: J, H, K Example: ``'ukirt,K'`` **VISTA** `VISTA Telescope `_ Filters: Z, Y, J, H, K Example: ``'vista,Y'`` **ZTF** `ZTF Telescope `_ Filters: g, r, i Example: ``'ztf,g'``