.. _evo_models: ======================================== Evolution Model Object ======================================== Stellar evolution models are defined as classes in ``spisea/evolution.py``. These can be called by:: from spisea import evolution evo = evolution.() The evolution object is an input for the :ref:`isochrone_objects`. Below is a table of the evolution model grids currently supported by SPISEA. .. figure:: images/evo_models_f2.png :width: 900 :height: 210 :align: center Please note the stellar mass range, age range, and metallicity values of the evolution model grid you choose: * Stars generated from the :ref:`imf_objects` (controlled by the `massLimits` variable) that fall outside of the mass range of the evolution model will be dropped from the final cluster table, unless the IFMR is defined (which will catch all the high mass stars and get their compact object values) * SPISEA will throw an error if you request an age outside of the evolution model age range * SPISEA will use the evolution model with the closest available metallicity to the requested value If you require other evolution models or need to expand the existing grids, please see :ref:`add_evo_models`. ModelMismatch Error ----------------------------------------- Since SPISEA v2.1.4, we began tracking the version of the evolution model grid (e.g., the evolution models stored in ``/evolution``). Each evolution model class has a required model grid version assigned to it. If your evolution model grid does not match or exceed the minimum version required by your desired evolution model, a ``ModelMismatch`` exception will be raised. To resolve the ``ModelMismatch`` error, please re-download the latest version of the evolution model grid in the installation instructions (:ref:`models`). Base Evolution Model Class ------------------------------------ .. autoclass:: evolution.StellarEvolution :members: Specific Evolution Model Classes -------------------------------------- .. autoclass:: evolution.MISTv1 :show-inheritance: .. autoclass:: evolution.MergedBaraffePisaEkstromParsec :show-inheritance: .. autoclass:: evolution.Baraffe15 :show-inheritance: .. autoclass:: evolution.Ekstrom12 :show-inheritance: .. autoclass:: evolution.Parsec :show-inheritance: .. autoclass:: evolution.Pisa :show-inheritance: