.. _atmo_models: ======================================== Atmosphere Model Object ======================================== Stellar atmosphere models are defined as functions in ``popstar/atmospheres.py``. These can be called by:: from popstar import atmospheres atmo = atmospheres. To call an atmosphere for a particular star, user must define the metallicity ([Z]), temperature (in K), and gravity (in cgs):: spectrum = atmo(metallicity=0, temperature=5800, gravity=4) wave = spectrum.wave # Wavelength in Angstroms flux = spectrum.flux # Flux in ergs s^-1 cm^-2 Angstrom^-1 (pysynphot Flam units) The atmosphere function is an input for the :ref:`isochrone_objects`, and will automatically be used to define the spectrum of each star in the isochrone model. PopStar uses the pysynphot framework to extract the model atmosphere, and the the output spectrum is a `pysynphot.Icat object `_. Below is a table of atmosphere model grids currently supported by SPISEA. Note that the resolution column reports the original resolution of the atmosphere model grid. These are available in the `spisea_cdbs_highres.tar.gz` file on the installation page. However, the default grid SPISEA uses has degraded the resolution of all atmosphere grids to R = 250 (the `spisea_cdbs.tar.gz` file). .. figure:: images/atm_models.png :width: 900 :height: 196 :align: center Model Atmosphere Classes ------------------------- .. autofunction:: atmospheres.get_merged_atmosphere .. autofunction:: atmospheres.get_wd_atmosphere .. autofunction:: atmospheres.get_bb_atmosphere .. autofunction:: atmospheres.get_castelli_atmosphere .. autofunction:: atmospheres.get_phoenixv16_atmosphere .. autofunction:: atmospheres.get_BTSettl_2015_atmosphere .. autofunction:: atmospheres.get_BTSettl_atmosphere .. autofunction:: atmospheres.get_wdKoester_atmosphere .. autofunction:: atmospheres.get_kurucz_atmosphere .. autofunction:: atmospheres.get_phoenix_atmosphere